Creative work with students

Teaching materials

Recommended literature

Questions for exams

I have been working at the Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics (BSUIR) since 2001. The BSUIR trains specialists in the field of computer science, radioelectronics and telecommunications. My responsibilities are conducting lectures, laboratory and practical classes on general physics for students. In my lectures I present the latest inventions in physics and engineering using PowerPoint program, as well as physical experiment demonstrations

Approbation of my methodology on carrying out of lectures on physics includes involving of students into the process of production of an educational product in the form of creative works in the framework of innovative education, see my video “Elements of heuristic learning in lectures on physics” on site of Physics Department of the BSUIR. I encourage group work in developing of creative works by students to increase the effectiveness of their education in the course of general physics at the first stage of tertiary education. The creative works developed and filmed by students can be used as visual demonstration materials at lectures and practical trainings on physics. The collection of creative works filmed by my students is presented on my YouTube cannel “Heuristics in Physics”. The news of seasons of my project “Heuristics in Physics” as well as interviews with students-winners are posted on “Instagram” and “VK”.

My books include two textbooks on physics based on my lectures, Part 1: Mechanics. Molecular physics and thermodynamics . Electricity and magnetism and Part 2: Optics. Quantum physics. Structure and physical properties of solids . There were used my experimental results in the field of Physics of Solids in books. These books are classified by Education Ministry of the Republic of Belarus for students of technical specializations. Click on titles for details.

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I created and introduced new laboratory work “Rutherford backscattering technique at the structure analysis of solids” into classes at the BSUIR and the Belarusian State Pedagogical University, see Rutherford backscattering technique at the structure analysis of solids. There is a publication about this, General Physics. Practical work: tutorial, and two manuals to lab works, Rutherford backscattering technique at the structure analysis of solids and Experimental physics. Practical work, on basis of this laboratory work.For more details, see also my Books page.

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Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics, Physics Department, P. Brovki Str., 6, 220013 Minsk, Belarus; Fax: +37517 2932333

Advertising videos of my student-created works:

Promo video: part 1 Promo video: part 2 Group 1 in VK Group 2 in VK

Questions for the exam

Part 1
Part 2
Part 1+2